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Women of Central Asia

In western Mongolia in 2016, Tilman filmed the documentary part of an ambitious drama-doc on ancient warrior women of Central Asia. In the first Millenium BC, Nomadic women fought alongside their men in the tribal battles of the Asian steppes. Known to the Greeks as Amazons, these women fighters helped to keep major powers like Greece, Persia and China in check. Nowadays women play a key role in Nomadic society. Tilman Remme and his team went on a journey to get to know the Warrior Women of Central Asia for a documentary part filmed in 2016 in western mongolia. To reach the Kazakh Nomads in the mountains of Mongolia, they had to cross several rivers in a four wheel drive. At one stage, they feared getting stranded on a river island, as heavy rains had made the stream almost impossible. Fortunately, the local driver from the town of Ulgii knew the terrain - and what his 20 year old Land Cruiser was capable of!

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