Tilman spent the summer of 2018 directing an ambitious docu-drama on the German explorer Alexander von Humboldt. The team filmed on top of volcanoes, on the majestic Orinoco River, on the Colombian coast and in the jungle. An experience of a lifetime. We were lucky to have writer and historian @Andrea Wulf onboard and travelledinHumboldt's footsteps. The trip to the Orinoco River nearly ended in a pond. Luckily, we managed to save the camera equipment!The scriptwasinspiredby Andrea’s bestselling autobiography of Humboldt. In the dramatised part of the film, thehugely talented German actor@Timmi Trinksdid a beautiful job bringing Humboldt’s complex character to life.The film aired on ZDF, Arte and SmithsonianNetworks in 2019 and 2020.
GTV Docs